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Educate - Empower - Transform

Fishing communities in Ghana are being threatened by the destruction of coastal fisheries due to climate change, overexploitation of fisheries and economic development projects.

We believe that coastal communities have a right to not only exist, but to thrive into the future.

With the collapse of the fishing industry, now more than ever, these communities along Ghana’s coast are working to gain access to education, training and job opportunities.



Ghana was the first nation to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Within those rights, children are entitled to free primary education. Unfortunately, Ghana has yet to attain this goal and education related expenses often lead to children dropping out of school or never attending in the first place.

Our Solutions →



The economies of Ghana’s coastal communities have thrived off of the small-scale fishing industry for centuries. Within the last 20 years, the fisheries have begun to collapse, leaving those who once subsisted off of this livelihood, with few alternative options. The result has created a ripple of socio-economic effects.

Our Solutions →

Behind the scenes filming The Youth Are Rising

the youth are rising

Youth are the future generation of leaders, however, youth are unemployed or underemployed in high numbers in Ghana. For coastal communities, the decline in the fishing livelihood has left an entire generation without job opportunities. But the youth of Shama District are changing that narrative, by creating innovation solutions to problems in their community and building a physical space to come together to write a different future for themselves and the generations to come.

About the Youth Center →